I lost a good friend a couple of weeks ago. He was always someone that I thought I could depend on, who would do anything for anyone. He did a lot for the dropzone, and had so many friends. When he first passes, all that anyone thought was how much he'd be missed.
And then the truth came out. And it was ugly. Very, very ugly.
And now I don't know what to think. This person, this teamate, who I thought I really knew, was a virtual stranger. Nothing could have prepared me for the truth. And I still don't know what to believe. The Chris I knew would never do this. Wouldn't keep this from people. Wouldn't HURT other people. Who is this Chris? This Chris that passed so suddenly, without warning, and left all these secrets to be found?
Regardless of who he was, I'll still miss him. I'll do my best to remember the good things and forget the bad. But as easy as that is to say, its so so hard to do. Why is that? Why are the bad things the things that you remember? The stories that are easier to tell? Why?

I'll miss you Chris.