I realize I haven't been the best at this whole blogging thing. I'm usually really good at thinking about writing, but really bad about the following through part. I'll try to get better, especially as the spring comes around and I'm jumping more and learning more and hopefully having more to write about. There's been lots of developments in my life too (boy!) which I'm excited about, so I think I'll have some decent material.
I'm not even going to try to get caught up with everything that's been going on over the past few months, I'm just going to talk about last week. Because it was one of my most favoritist awesomeist superist weeks EVER (yeah, that's right, it was bad-grammar-is-acceptable good). Even better than last year. Think 300+ jumpers, 2 super otters, a huge landing area, beach jumps every night, and parties parties and more parties. That's right: the Puerto Rico boogie.
I'm just going to talk about the basics for now. I'll try to do some each day. It was a long trip and there's a lot to write about. First, a teaser:

Me and 5 of my good friends (one of whom is "TheBoy" (who I realize needs a clever nickname like Daisy's BISMOW)) all traveled together to Arecibo, PR for the local drop zone's annual Puerto Rico Freefall Festival. This year's theme was "life is like a Caribbean carnival" but it was kind of irrelevant, because they really don't do anything theme related, except on the boogie shirts. Last year's theme was "pirates of the Caribbean." Pointless I tell you.
We were supposed to stay in a 4 bedroom house on the beach, but don't even get me started on that debacle. Long story short, we got conned, lost a whole lotta money (which I'm still trying to recover), and wound up staying in a "villa" on a "campground." Let me be the first to tell you that you get what you pay for when it comes to lodging in PR. Our shower was heated up from a box with pipes on the wall. You couldn't use the kitchen sink and the shower simultaneously (but the bathroom sink was fine?). We locked ourselves out when we dead bolted the door, which can only be unlocked with a key from both inside and out (hello fire code!), and used a so-not-OSHA-approved ladder from the construction site next door to try to break in from our balcony. Speaking of construction, our lovely construction crew was our 6am wake-up call every morning. Glorious. Some of the good things about this place? The balcony. The fact that 2 other villas were occupied by other jumpers that we knew (and by we, I mean me....as in I hooked up with and consequently dated one of them for a while after last year's boogie)(needless to say TheBoy wasn't too thrilled that "last year's boy" was there). The fact that it was ON THE BEACH. That it was only 15 minutes from the drop zone. That it had a full size fridge for all of our alcohol...I mean food... And the fact that we spent only about 7 hours a day there, and most of it was sleeping.
Tomorrow: more pictures, food, and the first few days before the boogie (read: scandalousness!)