So we (and by "we" I mean all of my dropzone friends...which, coincidentally, would be ALL of my friends. That's kind of sad. I think.) have been trying to come up with Halloween ideas that are good for a bigger group. Every year, an old-time jumper has a halloween party with an awesome theme. That's always great because I'm not the most creative when it comes to costumes. Last year the theme was "criminals and victims." My best girl friend and I went as Thelma and Louise. A husband and wife went as Michael Vick and one of his dogs. Another pair went as a priest and an alter boy. It was great. He hasn't announced this year's theme yet, but we're trying to think of something anyway. Another nearby dropzone has an awesome halloween boogie (for all you whuffos: basically a big party, where the dz brings in extra or larger planes, and you dive all day and drink all night) every year, and costumes are BIG there. As in, you HAVE to wear one. If you don't, you're subject to ridicule and will most likely not live it down for a long. long. time. (There's also a guy there that I would like to avoid, so something to make me look not like me would be just divine.)
And in the spirit of costumes, here's a picture of my dog last year. He's staying with my parents until I can find a place that will let me have him in my apartment, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, so I guess he's kind of become my parents. And they took the right to dress him up. Which I rolled my eyes at when they told me, until they sent me the pictures.
I present to you....Underdog....

He doesn't look very happy, but I think he loves it.

My Colby is the cutest thing in the whole wide world! I miss him terribly :(
My parents said that all the neighborhood kids knew who he was instantly. Apparently there was a new underdog movie out last year? News to me....