I don't like the cold. I never have. I grew up in small town New England. You would think that I would be used to it, or at least accept it. But I can't, and I refuse to. I went to school in the south to get away from it, and when I graduated I didn't go all the way back up north because I didn't want to deal with it. And now I realized that I came too far back north anyway. Because it. is. still. too. cold.
I was at the dropzone all weekend, in the rain, and cold, and miserable-ness that was the weather. And although I can't stand the cold, I put up with it. Because that's where my friends were, and all the people that I wanted to be with and that I care about. And although we didn't get to jump all weekend, and I had to sit in the cold all weekend, it was still a great one.
I left the dz earlier that usual today, planning on going home, but wound up taking a detour to a friend's house. I don't know why I was so hesitant to go. Maybe because I'm pretty anti-social and really enjoy my alone time. But I went, and I'm glad I did, because I got to spend time with people I don't get to hang out with too often. People who have been skydiving for a hell of a lot longer than I have, but who still think that I'm ok enough to chill with. I like it :)
And next weekend? I'll be in warm and sunny Florida. Tunnel time and warm weather jumping. I will be a happy, happy person next weekend. :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I sure as hell hope everyone got out and voted today. Even though my vote means absolutely NOTHING in my city, I still did my due diligence and waited in my hour long line and cast my vote. Which will surely end up in a pile of ballots for important city people to laugh at later on. But- I voted. That's all that matters today.
I have also determined that it is physically impossible for me to get to work prior to 9am. I woke up the same time today as I always do (around 7), showered, dressed, and left my apartment at 7:45 to go stand in line to vote. WHAT!?! I NEVER do that just to go to work. I'm lucky if I leave before 8:30. And then? When I was done voting? I walked to the bus, at about 8:40, and got to work around 9. At least I wasn't late.
I can say that I'll do exactly what I did today tomorrow morning, and aim to leave the house by 7:45 to go to work, but it won't happen. I can guarantee it. It just won't.
I have also determined that it is physically impossible for me to get to work prior to 9am. I woke up the same time today as I always do (around 7), showered, dressed, and left my apartment at 7:45 to go stand in line to vote. WHAT!?! I NEVER do that just to go to work. I'm lucky if I leave before 8:30. And then? When I was done voting? I walked to the bus, at about 8:40, and got to work around 9. At least I wasn't late.
I can say that I'll do exactly what I did today tomorrow morning, and aim to leave the house by 7:45 to go to work, but it won't happen. I can guarantee it. It just won't.
Friday, September 26, 2008
So we (and by "we" I mean all of my dropzone friends...which, coincidentally, would be ALL of my friends. That's kind of sad. I think.) have been trying to come up with Halloween ideas that are good for a bigger group. Every year, an old-time jumper has a halloween party with an awesome theme. That's always great because I'm not the most creative when it comes to costumes. Last year the theme was "criminals and victims." My best girl friend and I went as Thelma and Louise. A husband and wife went as Michael Vick and one of his dogs. Another pair went as a priest and an alter boy. It was great. He hasn't announced this year's theme yet, but we're trying to think of something anyway. Another nearby dropzone has an awesome halloween boogie (for all you whuffos: basically a big party, where the dz brings in extra or larger planes, and you dive all day and drink all night) every year, and costumes are BIG there. As in, you HAVE to wear one. If you don't, you're subject to ridicule and will most likely not live it down for a long. long. time. (There's also a guy there that I would like to avoid, so something to make me look not like me would be just divine.)
And in the spirit of costumes, here's a picture of my dog last year. He's staying with my parents until I can find a place that will let me have him in my apartment, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, so I guess he's kind of become my parents. And they took the right to dress him up. Which I rolled my eyes at when they told me, until they sent me the pictures.
I present to you....Underdog....

He doesn't look very happy, but I think he loves it.

My Colby is the cutest thing in the whole wide world! I miss him terribly :(
My parents said that all the neighborhood kids knew who he was instantly. Apparently there was a new underdog movie out last year? News to me....
And in the spirit of costumes, here's a picture of my dog last year. He's staying with my parents until I can find a place that will let me have him in my apartment, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, so I guess he's kind of become my parents. And they took the right to dress him up. Which I rolled my eyes at when they told me, until they sent me the pictures.
I present to you....Underdog....

He doesn't look very happy, but I think he loves it.

My Colby is the cutest thing in the whole wide world! I miss him terribly :(
My parents said that all the neighborhood kids knew who he was instantly. Apparently there was a new underdog movie out last year? News to me....
Monday, August 11, 2008
Holy Crap I Hurt Everywhere!
I. Am. Sore.
A bunch of us decided that going on an 8.2 mile hike with an 1100' elevation change would be a good idea after a night of drinking. I think we were wrong.
Don't get me wrong, it was a great hike and I had a great time. But Holy God I'm sore. My calves are screaming at me to take my heels off, my knees ache like I have arthritis (not that I know what that feels like, but I imagine this is close), and I can't remember the last time I've been so physically exhausted.
It wasn't just the hike that took such a tole. It was the drinking the night before the hike, the drinking for someone's birthday the night of the hike, and the crawling around on my hands and knees packing parachutes all day after the hike that all added up to make me very, very sore.
But it was definately worth it. I had a great weekend and spent time with people that I've been wanting to get to know better. So the pain is well worth it. And even though I'm exhausted, I'm very very happy.
A bunch of us decided that going on an 8.2 mile hike with an 1100' elevation change would be a good idea after a night of drinking. I think we were wrong.
Don't get me wrong, it was a great hike and I had a great time. But Holy God I'm sore. My calves are screaming at me to take my heels off, my knees ache like I have arthritis (not that I know what that feels like, but I imagine this is close), and I can't remember the last time I've been so physically exhausted.
It wasn't just the hike that took such a tole. It was the drinking the night before the hike, the drinking for someone's birthday the night of the hike, and the crawling around on my hands and knees packing parachutes all day after the hike that all added up to make me very, very sore.
But it was definately worth it. I had a great weekend and spent time with people that I've been wanting to get to know better. So the pain is well worth it. And even though I'm exhausted, I'm very very happy.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Finally, the Weekend is (almost) Here
This week has been nothing short of horrible. I don't remember a longer week since...well, ever.
But this weekend should be good, and it leads up to a great following week.
My cousin Megan is moving back north from Charleston, SC this weekend, so I convinced her to stop at the dropzone on her way up so she could see what the hell it is I do every weekend. I'm going to meet her down there tomorrow night, and I'm excited to see her. We've never been great friends, but we've always gotten along. She's finally old enough to start hanging out with the "older" cousins during out annual trip to the casinos Christmas night (if you knew my family, you'd understand why we need to get the hell out). It should be a good weekend with a good crowd, so hopefully I'll get to show her a good time. A friend of mine said he'd take her on a tandem if she wants to go, so I hope she'll take him up on that so she can experience it.
Not much else planned for the weekend- jump, pack, repeat!
But this weekend should be good, and it leads up to a great following week.
My cousin Megan is moving back north from Charleston, SC this weekend, so I convinced her to stop at the dropzone on her way up so she could see what the hell it is I do every weekend. I'm going to meet her down there tomorrow night, and I'm excited to see her. We've never been great friends, but we've always gotten along. She's finally old enough to start hanging out with the "older" cousins during out annual trip to the casinos Christmas night (if you knew my family, you'd understand why we need to get the hell out). It should be a good weekend with a good crowd, so hopefully I'll get to show her a good time. A friend of mine said he'd take her on a tandem if she wants to go, so I hope she'll take him up on that so she can experience it.
Not much else planned for the weekend- jump, pack, repeat!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Today is one of those horrible crappy Mondays that really make you regret having to have a "real life" and a "real job" that actually make you get out of bed in the morning. This weekend was exhausting. Emotionally and physically. One of my good friends from my dropzone is moving away and Sunday was his last day in the area. He bought me and 2 of our friends a bottle of wine, which we enjoyed Saturday night (along with some margaritas, more margaritas, more wine, and copious amounts of beer) while trying to ignore the fact that we honestly don't know when we'll all be together again. I'm trying to convince him to come to the Puerto Rico boogie with us next February, but whether his new job will let him remains to be seen.
A high point of the weekend was the return of another good friend, if only for the day. A friend who had moved up to Boston a few months ago came down with his girlfriend, and it was so great to see him. He's one of those people that always puts a smile on your face and you know will always be able to cheer you up and share a laugh with you. I'm so happy for him that he found someone he loves and cares about and was willing to introduce to all his crazy dropzone friends (and groupies).
I recently ended a long distance relationship that had been going fairly well, except for the long distance aspect. I didn't think it was fair to either of us to carry something on knowing full well that neither of us can do anything to change the distance factor any time in the near future. It's hard now, but I know its the right decision and it'll be better in the long run. He's coming for our boogie in a few weeks, and I'm excited to see him, but I'm also nervous that it's probably not the best for our relationship right now.
Work is going extremely well (except for the fact that I have to get out of bed to actually go to work in the mornings). I've been put in charge of all the interiors (elevations, sections, schedules, furnishings, casework design, etc.) for the new school building that I'm working on. It should offer a lot of creative design opportunites, so I'm really excited about the coming months and what I'm able to produce.
A high point of the weekend was the return of another good friend, if only for the day. A friend who had moved up to Boston a few months ago came down with his girlfriend, and it was so great to see him. He's one of those people that always puts a smile on your face and you know will always be able to cheer you up and share a laugh with you. I'm so happy for him that he found someone he loves and cares about and was willing to introduce to all his crazy dropzone friends (and groupies).
I recently ended a long distance relationship that had been going fairly well, except for the long distance aspect. I didn't think it was fair to either of us to carry something on knowing full well that neither of us can do anything to change the distance factor any time in the near future. It's hard now, but I know its the right decision and it'll be better in the long run. He's coming for our boogie in a few weeks, and I'm excited to see him, but I'm also nervous that it's probably not the best for our relationship right now.
Work is going extremely well (except for the fact that I have to get out of bed to actually go to work in the mornings). I've been put in charge of all the interiors (elevations, sections, schedules, furnishings, casework design, etc.) for the new school building that I'm working on. It should offer a lot of creative design opportunites, so I'm really excited about the coming months and what I'm able to produce.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Half Day!
Today is my company picnic. It's at the summer/farm house of one of the owners of my firm. The house is way out in the country, and its absolutely gorgous. He's got to have like 100 something acres of rolling farm land, horses, an infinity pool that, honest to God, seems to fall off the hill, and 2 (yes, 2) amazing houses. One is an old white farm house, the other is all stone clad beautifulness. I love it there. It reminds me of home.
But the best part about this day is that work ends at 12. We are TOLD to leave work so we can get on the highway in time to beat the traffic. And the other best part? As much fun as I have spending even more time with my coworkers, I can skip out early and go jump! Weekday skydiving is so much fun, I can hardly stand it. Jumps are cheaper, its a great group of people, and the weekend lasts that much longer!
So needless to say, this day is dragging on longer than I ever thought possible. It's an absolutely GORGEOUS day and I can not wait to get out of the office.
Have a good weekend!
But the best part about this day is that work ends at 12. We are TOLD to leave work so we can get on the highway in time to beat the traffic. And the other best part? As much fun as I have spending even more time with my coworkers, I can skip out early and go jump! Weekday skydiving is so much fun, I can hardly stand it. Jumps are cheaper, its a great group of people, and the weekend lasts that much longer!
So needless to say, this day is dragging on longer than I ever thought possible. It's an absolutely GORGEOUS day and I can not wait to get out of the office.
Have a good weekend!
Friday, July 11, 2008
New Gear
So my brand spankin' new rig is ready to by picked up from my rigger tonight. I can hardly contain my excitement. I am sitting at my desk with this stupid shit eating grin on my face, looking at the clock every 34.6 seconds, and waiting for 5:30 to come so I can get the hell out of here and down to the drop zone. Where I will give my rigger the biggest and best hug in the world because he got it done for me so quickly.
Here he is, pre assembly and packing:

Here he is, pre assembly and packing:

I say "he" because that way when people ask me what I'm doing for the weekend, I can say "oh, I'm going to spend all weekend with _____." Or "I'll be jumping _____ all weekend."
So, faithful readers (which, I assume, is only Daisy), give my rig a name!
This is probably the best, oh lets just say couple thousand dollars, I have ever spent. And I don't like to spend money. At all. I like to save, I'm smart shopper, and I had every intention of trying to buy a condo sometime soon. But then I started skydiving and realized that I can be happier than I've ever been in my life. And after this year is over, and I pay off my student program and all my gear, it's really not that expensive of a sport. And I can go back to my money scrimping ways and still be perfectly happy. Ever happier.
Is is 5:30 yet??
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
Today is my 25th birthday. Everyone keeps asking me if I feel older, more mature, more responsible.
No. I feel more annoyed by all your stupid questions.
Generally, I'm not a big fan of birthdays. I don't like the attention, and I've been known to cry when people sing "Happy Birthday" to me (not since I was like....15 though). But this year I have high hopes. I have dreams to fill and goals to accomplish. I've found some of the best friends a girl could wish for, and I've found a hobby that constantly keeps me challenged, striving to be better, and always having fun. Not to mention poor.
I'm at a great place in my life right now. And if turning 25 will make it even better, bring it on. A number of my coworkers have told me that 25 was the best year in their life; that its a year that sticks out, a year they'll always remember. Right now, 24 is that year for me. I'm hoping that 25 will surpass it and be even better. Because I deserve it. And I want it. And I'm going to do all I can to make it that way.
(Enter attractive, funny, stable, job-holding boy.)
No. I feel more annoyed by all your stupid questions.
Generally, I'm not a big fan of birthdays. I don't like the attention, and I've been known to cry when people sing "Happy Birthday" to me (not since I was like....15 though). But this year I have high hopes. I have dreams to fill and goals to accomplish. I've found some of the best friends a girl could wish for, and I've found a hobby that constantly keeps me challenged, striving to be better, and always having fun. Not to mention poor.
I'm at a great place in my life right now. And if turning 25 will make it even better, bring it on. A number of my coworkers have told me that 25 was the best year in their life; that its a year that sticks out, a year they'll always remember. Right now, 24 is that year for me. I'm hoping that 25 will surpass it and be even better. Because I deserve it. And I want it. And I'm going to do all I can to make it that way.
(Enter attractive, funny, stable, job-holding boy.)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Called to Serve
I got my first ever Summons for Jury Duty today. I have to admit, I was a little excited. Weird, I know. And then I realized that you're supposed to be pissed when you get jury duty, so, quick change, I was pissed. And then I realized that it was a summons from my old Home State. Now, I miss and love Home State dearly, but I have not lived there for nearly 7 years. I spent 5 years in far down south at college, and then I moved to Big City, where I've been for nearly 2 years. Why HS does not realize this, I do not know. I have not had a HS license for nearly 2 years, I have not used a HS address for nearly 7 years, and I recently sent in my voter registration change form for Big City. Does HS not believe me? Do they not pay attention? Or are they just so desparate for competent jurors that they try to recruit people who live hundreds of miles away?
Another thing that royally pissed me off about my summons, is the form you have to return saying "Yes, I'll be there the date and time that you want and I'll take my $17 for the day and hopefully never have to come back but if I do I swear I'll really, truly pay attention at trial, just please oh please dont make me head juror," or, "No, I can't come the date and time you want me but please, please let me come this date and time instead because, I swear, I really, really do want to fulfill my civic duty and make my $17," or, and you hope for one of these, you get to check a reason for why you CAN NOT be a juror. Lucky for me, there was an appropriate "I am not a resident of said state, suckers!" option. So I fill out my form, with my address for Big City, and inform them, that, no, I will not help them, and I put it in the envelope and I realize as I affix my return address label (hopefully proving to them that the fact that I have address labels for Big City address that I've lived at for 2 years means that I do not, in fact, live in HS any longer), I realize that I have to put a stamp on the envelope. Why can't the government, which takes so much frieking money from us to begin with, pay for stamps for envelopes that they MAKE us return to them? I'm sorry, but that's just bullsh!t.
Ok, rant done.
Another thing that royally pissed me off about my summons, is the form you have to return saying "Yes, I'll be there the date and time that you want and I'll take my $17 for the day and hopefully never have to come back but if I do I swear I'll really, truly pay attention at trial, just please oh please dont make me head juror," or, "No, I can't come the date and time you want me but please, please let me come this date and time instead because, I swear, I really, really do want to fulfill my civic duty and make my $17," or, and you hope for one of these, you get to check a reason for why you CAN NOT be a juror. Lucky for me, there was an appropriate "I am not a resident of said state, suckers!" option. So I fill out my form, with my address for Big City, and inform them, that, no, I will not help them, and I put it in the envelope and I realize as I affix my return address label (hopefully proving to them that the fact that I have address labels for Big City address that I've lived at for 2 years means that I do not, in fact, live in HS any longer), I realize that I have to put a stamp on the envelope. Why can't the government, which takes so much frieking money from us to begin with, pay for stamps for envelopes that they MAKE us return to them? I'm sorry, but that's just bullsh!t.
Ok, rant done.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Do you ever have one of those days when absolutely nothing seems to go your way? When everywhere you turn, something seems to be going wrong? When the little things seem like the biggest deal in the world, and you feel completely helpless? When there's no one around to turn to, no one to hold you or console you or just tell you that everything's going to be ok? I had one of those days this past weekend.
I don't know why, I don't know what started it, and I don't know why everything kept compounding and making everything else seem even worse. But it was just a horrible, no good, very bad day. All day long nothing seemed to be going my way. Every person I talked to seemed to have something negative to say about me, or what I was doing. And everyone else just seemed too happy compared to me that their simply being there pissed me off. At the end of it, all I wanted was to be by myself. So I told everyone to go to dinner without me, said I wasn't hungry, hoped for some time alone.
And they left. And I was alone, like I thought I wanted. I went to take a shower, hoping that would make me feel better. Freshen up, start the night clean and happy. But I walked to the camper to get my stuff to take a shower, and half way there, I broke down. I started crying. I have absolutely, positively, NO IDEA why I started crying. But I did. Big time. Like, had to run the rest of the way to the camper so no one would see what a mess I was kind of crying. Sitting on the bed gasping for air kind of crying. My friend's dog was in the camper, and I think he sensed that something was wrong, because he got up and came to me and just watched me. Normally when people come into the trailer, he barely lifts his head off the bed.
By the time I composed myself, I don't know how much later, people were starting to get back from dinner. I stealthily snuck into the shower so no one would have to see my red puffy eyes and start asking questions. There's nothing I hate more than trying to explain something that has absolutely no reasonable explanation. Why was I crying? Why were all these little things getting to me? Why did I want so badly to be alone, but at the same time, feel like all I needed in the entire world to make me feel better was a simple hug? For someone to tell me that I'm not alone, that I can do it, that I can get past whatever it is that's wrong. Sometimes it's hard to admit that you need someone to be there for you. But I do. I need someone.
I don't know why, I don't know what started it, and I don't know why everything kept compounding and making everything else seem even worse. But it was just a horrible, no good, very bad day. All day long nothing seemed to be going my way. Every person I talked to seemed to have something negative to say about me, or what I was doing. And everyone else just seemed too happy compared to me that their simply being there pissed me off. At the end of it, all I wanted was to be by myself. So I told everyone to go to dinner without me, said I wasn't hungry, hoped for some time alone.
And they left. And I was alone, like I thought I wanted. I went to take a shower, hoping that would make me feel better. Freshen up, start the night clean and happy. But I walked to the camper to get my stuff to take a shower, and half way there, I broke down. I started crying. I have absolutely, positively, NO IDEA why I started crying. But I did. Big time. Like, had to run the rest of the way to the camper so no one would see what a mess I was kind of crying. Sitting on the bed gasping for air kind of crying. My friend's dog was in the camper, and I think he sensed that something was wrong, because he got up and came to me and just watched me. Normally when people come into the trailer, he barely lifts his head off the bed.
By the time I composed myself, I don't know how much later, people were starting to get back from dinner. I stealthily snuck into the shower so no one would have to see my red puffy eyes and start asking questions. There's nothing I hate more than trying to explain something that has absolutely no reasonable explanation. Why was I crying? Why were all these little things getting to me? Why did I want so badly to be alone, but at the same time, feel like all I needed in the entire world to make me feel better was a simple hug? For someone to tell me that I'm not alone, that I can do it, that I can get past whatever it is that's wrong. Sometimes it's hard to admit that you need someone to be there for you. But I do. I need someone.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My biggest fear
I'm afraid of elevators. No, not afraid. Petrified. I hate them with every ounce of my being. I work on the 4th floor of my building, yet I can not walk up the stairs to my office, because they are emergency stairs and the doors at each floor are locked. So every morning, I wait in the lobby until some unsuspecting, normal person who is NOT afraid of elevators, comes in, and I ride up with someone else. I CAN, however, walk down the stairs. So at the end of every work day, you'll find me exiting my building at the bottom of the stairwell.
I found this through someone else's blog today, and it sums up pretty well why exactly I have this inane fear: http://disembedded.wordpress.com/2008/04/14/madness-trapped-in-elevator-car-30/
I found this through someone else's blog today, and it sums up pretty well why exactly I have this inane fear: http://disembedded.wordpress.com/2008/04/14/madness-trapped-in-elevator-car-30/
Monday, April 14, 2008
I don't know what made me decide to start a blog. I'm not one to share how I feel, or what's going through my mind. I tend to keep things to myself, but I love telling stories, when I have them. Lately, I've had a lot of them.
My life is typically pretty drama free. It's easier that way, so I try to keep it like that. But I've had a lot of changes happening in my life lately, mostly for the better- or the best- but all changes will have some sort of effect on your life. And for some reason, mine have been super dramatic lately. And I don't necessarily mean dramatic in the "oh-my-god-you've-got-to-be-kidding-me" kind of way. Some of the things that have happened lately are just flat out funny. So I guess my goal with this blog is to try to tell some of them. Although I'm assuming I'll be the only person to ever read this, so it will probably wind up being a sort of personal journal for myself. So in a few years I'll probably look back at this, and hopefully laugh at myself. Because I think that being able to laugh at yourself is one of life's greatest pleasures.
So....welcome to my life.
My life is typically pretty drama free. It's easier that way, so I try to keep it like that. But I've had a lot of changes happening in my life lately, mostly for the better- or the best- but all changes will have some sort of effect on your life. And for some reason, mine have been super dramatic lately. And I don't necessarily mean dramatic in the "oh-my-god-you've-got-to-be-kidding-me" kind of way. Some of the things that have happened lately are just flat out funny. So I guess my goal with this blog is to try to tell some of them. Although I'm assuming I'll be the only person to ever read this, so it will probably wind up being a sort of personal journal for myself. So in a few years I'll probably look back at this, and hopefully laugh at myself. Because I think that being able to laugh at yourself is one of life's greatest pleasures.
So....welcome to my life.
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